The Abrahamic Christian Tithing: A Study Book for the Church

Tithing for Spiritual Growth

by Dr. Samuel Kirk Mills



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/23/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781477202807
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781477202814
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781477202821

About the Book

This study book delves into the cause of Abraham’s tithing to Melchizedek, in order to indicate the fundamental spiritual benefi ts of Christian tithing to every individual member of a local church, and its overall importance to the Church of Christ in general.

The book establishes the following lessons concerning the tithing of Abraham.

• God had planned that Abraham will tithe before the creation of the universe

• As the father of the Christian faith, God had worked in Abraham to tithe to Melchizedek to establish it as a unique type of giving by the church to the High Priestly Ministry of Christ

Affirming the fact that Abraham did not know and was not relating to God’s personal nature when he was initially brought to Canaan, the book also establishes the following lessons.

• The tithing of Abraham was an indicator of God’s work in him, for the patriarch to know and to relate to His personal nature

• In working in Abraham to tithe as an act of knowing and relating to Him personally, God was also establishing the fundamental principle of Christian tithing—that it will be by the principle of knowing and relating to God personally

Thus, the book benchmarks the spiritual growth that occurred in the life of Abraham following his tithing as the fundamental benefi t of the practice of Christian tithing to the individual members of a local church. It shows us that Christian tithing is essentially a standardize way of giving by divine establishment that the church would utilize to cultivate personal relationship with God with the goal of growth in trust, love, and holiness to God.

With its unique perspective concerning the tithing of Abraham, this book serves as a groundbreaking resource for the spiritual vitality of the Church.

About the Author

Dr. Samuel Kirk Mills is president of Christian Education Foundations, USA. He studied at Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton Graduate School, and Northern Illinois University. Dr. Mills and his wife Nana Ama are dedicated to the ministry of Christian education to the Church of Christ, worldwide. They have two children, Rachel and Derek.