Christian Tithing Defined

Making Tithing Easier in the Local Church

by Dr. Samuel Kirk Mills



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781481732161
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781481732178
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781481732185

About the Book

Just imagine that you walked into your church premises one day and as rightly expected every member of your congregation that you met is able to provide you with almost the same correct answer to your questions, what is the aim, what is the goal, what is the purpose, and what is the objective of the practice of Christian tithing? How would you feel about that? I believe you will feel good. I believe you will also feel much assured that the members of your Local Church have the knowledge and a good understanding of what the practice of Christian tithing is all about; and that you really don’t have to do much urging to get them to tithe. I believe it will also be assuring to you that all things being equal, with their convictions about what the practice of Christian tithing is all about in the Local Church they will remain faithful in their tithing. That should sound great to you, knowing that you are achieving the spiritual and financial vitality of your Local Church. The Christian Tithing Defined: Making Tithing Easier in your Local Church is a resource for achieving these just mentioned results in your Local Church. The study of God’s work in Abraham (the father of the Christian faith) to tithe to Melchizedek (the proto-type of Christ’s High Priestly Ministry) unveils clear definitions concerning the aim, goal, purpose, and the objective of Christian tithing. It also gives out explicit definitions concerning the principle, sacred nature, and fundamental benefits of Christian tithing to give us the overall definition of what Christian tithing is. The understanding of the definitional terms of Christian tithing forms in the hearts and minds of pari-shioners the inner persuasion or the conviction to tithe without much external coercion.

About the Author

Dr. Samuel Kirk Mills is president of Christian Education Foundations, USA. He studied at Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton Graduate School, and Northern Illinois University. Dr. Mills is bringing to the Church of Christ a great insight concerning God’s work in Abraham to tithe to Melchizedek, benchmarking the aim, the goal, the purpose, the principle, the sacred nature, and the benefits of Christian tithing in the Local Church. Dr. Mills is dedicated to the ministry of Christian Education to the Church of Christ, equipping pastors with the foundations of Christian ministry in the Local Church Dr Mills is married to Nana Ama. They have two children, Rachel Naa Koshie and Derek Nii Odartey.