The Transformation of Harry Logan

by Michael W. Burns



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/10/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781491831816
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781491831823

About the Book

Harry Logan, a loud, arrogant, obsessive man is the successful author if two books. His last won the Pulitzer Prize Award for Literature and he has spent the last two years on a successful lecture tour throughout the United States. As he now prepares to write his third book his head inexplicably aches and his personal life is in chaos due to his absolute belief that he is the only one who is right and knows the truth. He now faces a very real and perhaps debilitating illness and despite his desire to control his own life is too ill to start his book and must give in for the first time to human frailty. How Harry struggles through the thicket of decisions, alters his personal persona, and learns to share his life and his success is a journey of disconsolate fear and ultimate happiness he neither expects nor believes he deserves.

About the Author

Michael W. Burns served as a Naval Aviator after graduating from St. Michael’s College in Vermont. After leaving the U.S. Navy, he served as a Professional Staff Member on the staffs of various U.S. Senate Committees and as Staff Director of the Committee on Veteran’s Affairs of the United States Senate. When he left the Senate staff, he became the Assistant to the Medical Director of the San Diego VA Healthcare System. He has travelled extensively throughout the United States and Canada. Michael has authored four books. His first was non-fiction. This is the second in the Harry Logan series. Into the Blue Far Distance was published in 2001 and chronicled the first of his many journeys in a van throughout the United States and Canada. His first work of fiction was Sunset House, published in 2010. The prequel to this book, The World’s of Harry Logan was published in 2013. He is still an active consultant and extensive traveler and lives with his wife Joanne in Carlsbad California.