Journal Your Prayers Praying Women
Praying Women behind the Scenes
Book Details
About the Book
I want to encourage you to pray the will of God, journal your prayers, and experience a new relationship with Jesus, where you desire to be in His presence continually. Record the date of your prayer, the time, and how He answered those prayers. You will be astounded to discover how God has responded to your prayers. God is an awesome God and He hastens to perform His Word! Give Him all the Glory! Yes! Miracles still happen today!
—Donna “DD” Drake, author of Prayers of God’s Powerful Women
“I first met Donna Drake forty years ago while attending a prayer class she taught at our church. She stressed the importance of having an intimate prayer life and encouraged us to keep a journal in order to later reflect on our prayers. She was approachable and willing to answer my questions, thus forming a relationship founded in prayer. We have seen answers to prayer that only God could have answered. I am so grateful to God for our friendship.”
—Violet West, music minister
“Donna Drake has been God’s precious gift for me. Her mentoring and her teachings, especially on prayer, have broadened my understanding of the power of prayer, the miracles that follow, and the absolute necessity of a close and humble relationship with God. Prayer truly changes the world. God is waiting to hear from each of us.”
—Francie Officer, educator
“I have never met a stronger prayer warrior and woman of faith than Donna Drake. You can believe that if she speaks it, she lives it! I am honored to have had this godly woman pray for me all of my life. Through her example I have also been taught how to pray for others. I am very proud to call her ‘Mom.’ I love you!”
—Becky Scott, educator
About the Author
The Bible says, many are called, few are chosen and it is God who ordains them. Donna is not only a chosen vessel of God, she is one whom God has truly ordained, and anointed to go into the ALL world and preach the Gospel to everyone. At the age of five, she had knowledge that Jesus was her “Abba Father” and that she is “His Daughter.” She spent her life humbly desiring to be who Jesus has called her to be. Going where Jesus desires her to go, doing what Jesus wants her to do and speaking what Jesus wants her to speak.
Donna knew she was a “Diamond In the Rough”, being molded into one of the many faceted “Jewels” in the Kingdom of Christ. It is from “Glory to Glory” that Christ has and still is changing her into His image and likeness.
Donna and her husband experienced what they call “a Road to Damascus experience” during a time of prayer in 1977. The Lord supernaturally poured out His love, wisdom and knowledge of the “depths of prayer” upon their family. During the following years they studied the “Word of God”, prayed and sought the Lord constantly. Miracles happened during these times of intimacy with the Lord. Their faith grew as they understood the power of praying the will of God through “His Unconditional Love”.
Many lives were changed as they shared the gospel around the world. People have been set free from bondages, afflictions, and hurts from past life experiences. They have disciple many who have been transformed to become whom God has called them to be…the Sons and Daughters of God. Hearing His voice and following in HIS footsteps.
You will experience the “transforming love of God” as she ministers through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. She will share with you the manifested glory of God…through His word. You will be changed and you will never leave the same way you came, in Christ name!
Donna has similar attributes to other godly women throughout history, those who have been full of charitable deeds. She has compassion for others expressing God’s love to them! She is a devout praying “Daughter of the Most High God” whose concern and compassion extends beyond practical services into the depths of expressing unconditional love to others through her prayers.
Donna strongly believes in living a life of faith, and journaling your prayers leaving a witness to her children and grand children for many generations.
She wants you to ask yourself this question:
“How will they know if you don’t leave them a legacy of your faith?”
Who am I?
Because of the blood of Christ Jesus…I am a daughter of the Most High God!