A Moment in Time

by Mike Phipps & Justine Phipps



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/28/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 444
ISBN : 9781458221421

About the Book

What do you want from life?


Some say when we are born, our destiny is already laid out in front of us. All we can do is walk the path to the end. Others say that your choice of paths is entirely up to you. Turn aside from one, begin another. But what if your path is forced on you by unforeseen circumstances?

My name is Angela St’crox. A century ago a master vampire decided he needed another plaything for his collection and in a nightmare of pure horror, he changed me forever. Unfortunately, my current undead life has become so mundane and predictable that the color of my world consists of nothing but grey as my path is becoming a dead end.

But there in fact lies the beauty of a path. You just never know when right around the next turn…might be what you were looking for all along.

About the Author

Mike Phipps lives along the Northern California coast, where he is enjoying semi-retirement as the supervisor of a working cattle ranch. He is also the author of Shadow of an Assassin.


Justine Phipps grew up in the Bay Area. She is currently a second year student at California Polytechnic State University, pursuing a teaching career.