by Carlton Foster



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/9/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9798823030113
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9798823030106

About the Book

DESTROYING THE YOKES is the continuation of THE POWER OF THE YOKES. While THE POWER OF THE YOKES exposes the many devices the enemy uses to derail you from the path to fulfilling your destiny, DESTROYING THE YOKES gives you the tools to break free and fulfill your destiny. God will take you through a life transformation process, and what is inside you will manifest on the outside. God uses the dark places to protect you while He mends the cracks in your life. God will allow you to be on an unfamiliar route so that you will have no choice but to trust Him. Life has its difficulties, but it is good for you. When you are broken, God does His best work in you, and the things that try to destroy you are the catalysts to accelerate you into your destiny.

About the Author

Carlton Foster understands that when you are in God’s hands, there is beauty in the ashes of your life. As a young man, he did not think that God heard his cry for help until God took him from bondage to a place of prominence. Carlton Foster believes you are not a diamond in the making, but a diamond to be discovered. He serves as senior pastor at the Church of God of Prophecy in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He also believes that anyone can have a God encounter experience that will catapult them on a path to walking in their purpose and destiny. His breakthrough and deliverance propelled him to write DESTROYING THE YOKES. He has the assurance that the yokes the enemy places on you are only for a season, and that God used the same things the enemy used to put a yoke on him to bring about great victory.