Travels With Susie

A Hilarious Account of One Couple's RV Journey Across America

by Gordon Grindstaff



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/09/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781425955977

About the Book

            Travels with Susie is an account of the comings and goings of the Author, his wife, Susie and their RV, ‘Fionna’,  The book  is a hilarious report of their experiences as they first went through the decision to retire and later, to travel the byways of North America. 

Part travelogue, part monologue, part History primer and part pieces of the author's vivid imagination, the book is all entertainment. The stories found in these pages will appeal to not only RV'ers but to anyone who is looking for a laugh or an occasional bit of inspiration. Many of the stories first saw life as fodder for the Author’s self syndicated newspaper and magazine columns.

Ride along with Susie and the author as they visit Luckenbach, Texas, searching for Willie Nelson and real cowboys. 

Sit on a bench with the Author along the Mexican border and discover the little known and scandalous secret of a major time saving device.  

Wade ashore in the Florida Keys with Cuban refugees and later, toss your cookies with Susie on the rough seas of the Gulf of Mexico.

Share a sprig of Buffalo grass with  Randolph Scott.

Meet Paul Bunyon’s grandson, still living in the North Woods of British Columbia and hang on for the 2000 mile drive as the author and his wife race to reach Indiana and their seriously ill daughter. 

And finally, discover that when the author is not making a fool of himself, he is unwittingly realizing what life is really all about as he learns more about our world than he ever expected to know.



About the Author


            Gordon Grindstaff is a retired Information Technology Consultant, but writing has always been his first love.  However, the early attempts at storytelling coincided with the discovery that his children were big eaters and writing as a profession provided for only small portions at the dinner table.  

His current business card identifies him as a humorist and while his wife Susie might disagree, his writing will back up the title. His humor springs from the experiences of being raised in a post WWII  small town in Southern Indiana. Raising 4 children tested his sense of humor and on more than occasion, had it down on the mat for the 3 count. However, that experience, along with 40 plus years of marriage, the world of Corporate silliness and life’s everyday situations has sharpened his wit  to the point where he is considered one of Monrovia, Indiana’s premier humorists.

             He and Susie retired in 2001, sold practically everything they owned and set out in their RV to see the country. Their travels led to a self syndicated Newspaper column published weekly in four newspapers in two countries as well as a monthly piece for Senior Life Magazine of Southwest Florida..

His work also appears occasionally in at least 3 other publications but has been largely ignored by a couple of hundred rags whose editors have resisted Mr. Grindstaff’s constant whining.

            His readership, at last count, now numbers in the dozens and spans the United States from North to South and east to west not to mention the Mediterranean Coast of Spain. .   

            Sometimes hilarious, sometimes sentimental, once in a while nostalgic and always entertaining, his words will touch your heart and your funny bone. They have also been known to cause some of his more uncouth readers to snort loudly through their nostrils.