Three Precious Stones Not Given to Lucifer

by Constance Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/08/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781425918880

About the Book

This book will stir up your mind to thank the Lord for His manifold blessings! Stop beating yourself about your troubles and past! You cannot change that STUFF!  You are washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Moreover, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. This book will challenge you to trust in the Lord as the holy people in times past trusted in Him.  You will be able to recite to others the BLESSINGS that belong to you and yours. 


GREAT THINGS HAPPEN when you pray! After you read this book, you should feel the urge to set aside time to fast and pray.  Although I do not cover the subject of fasting,  I would like to make a few suggestions. Prayer and fasting go hand-in-hand.  When fasting, you do not have to look like you lost your best friend.  Keep a “smile” on your face.  Remember you have a bosom telephone connection “in process” with the Lord. Do not let anyone break that connection!  You can be at work or home and still be praying and praising the Lord in your inner man!   If you are taking medicine, be sensible!  There are many ways to fast:  All Day or Days at a Time; Morning to Noon; Noon to Dinner; Dinner to Midnight; or Midnight to Dawn.  Also, you can go on a liquid fast for one to three days - drink soups (no meat), water and/or apple juice.  You may even decide to give up sodas, coffee, tea, chocolate, wine, or foods that you crave to eat for short or long periods.  Make sure you give up something “special” - this means a great deal to the Lord.


The most important thing in this life is to STAY WITH JESUS!

About the Author

Constance Lee is a graduate from Shiloh Bible College.  She received the M.A. degree in Theology in 1985. She is a Licensed Missionary and Evangelist.  She accepted the Lord Jesus as her personal Savior at the early age of thirteen.  She grew up in a devout Christian home and saw her Mother kneeling at the bedside and praying in the middle of the night and/or early in the morning for the family. She has a personal relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  She also knows how to call on the name of the Lord!  She knows how to get a breakthrough!  Her Mother taught her, at an early age, to be compassionate for the helpless and the lost. Throughout her elementary and teenage years, she attended Vacation Bible School and participated in Sunshine Band taught by her Mother.  By the age of fifteen, she was teaching the little kids in Sunday School. By young adulthood, she could review the current lesson before the general Sunday School. She witnessed her Mother feeding, clothing and sheltering the needy, bringing home the helpless, allowing them to shower, eat, sleep, and leave the next day with a package of clothes and foods. She says her Father never rebuked her Mother for helping others. She witnessed miracles and healings throughout her entire life.  She is currently working in the Mission Field for the Lord.  She has traveled to several countries outside of the United States and is still sending care packages to families in need.  She visits the sick and teaches the Bible at convalescent homes. She is still spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Her message is “JESUS SAVES.”