The First Biblical Werewolf

by Constance Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/02/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781456732813

About the Book

In the Old Testament, the Northern and Southern Tribes of Israel went into captivity under Assyria and Babylon. This books covers many of the specifics concerning the Chosen Ones’ captivities: the reasons for Yahweh’s judgment against His People and their kings; the progenitors of Israel’s enemies and their kinship to the Children of Israel (Northern and Southern Tribes); the prophecies of Yahweh’s prophets against Israel and their enemies (Assyria and Babylon) and the other nations; and Yahweh’s forgiveness and restoration. Out of the millions of people (during the captivity of the Kingdom of Judah), the first few chapters of the Book of Daniel talks about the lives of The Three Hebrew Boys, Daniel, and king Nebuchadnezzar II. Taken at an early age, these four young princes of Judah (Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, and Daniel), show us how to survive and endure traumatizing circumstances! Through it all, these young men maintained high levels of faith. They were not unimportant young men. They ate at Nebuchadnezzar’s table and they personally knew the king who found them superior to all of the other young people (including his own advisers) in Babylonia. Furthermore, Yahweh proved these young men to be His choice! When JESUS comes to the rescue of His people (those who are faithful, live holy, and have fellowship with Him), no force on earth can stop Him! Brother, you can take that to the bank! Frankly, this is not an understatement! Traveling through this book with Professor Baykus (the wise old Hittite owl), the other animals, and king Nebuchadnezzar, we realize the king received just punishment from Yahweh. In fact, king Nebuchadnezzar was warned through dreams and visions to turn from his wicked ways. Daniel interpreted the king’s dreams and visions and told the king to repent. However, the king was too far gone with himself to change. So, Yahweh made that change for king Nebuchadnezzar and took him away from the palace and Babylon the Great. During the seven years (away from his palace), the king was given the heart of a beast. It is the conversations we listen in on and through the eyes of the wild animals we envision the king, now the wolf-man! Lets go see what the animals had to say!

About the Author

As a little girl, Constance regularly attended Sunday School and Worship Services and she listened to the sermons. The Word of God excited her! By the time she was a teenager, she was teaching the Card Class in Sunday School (ages 4 to 6 years). As a young adult, she was teaching the teenagers in Sunday School. Today, Constance is writing Christian books! The Bible tells us “…to train up a child in the way he should go.” Amen!