The Rhyme of the Gospels

A Poetic Gospel Journey

by Warren Sherwood Bennett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/6/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9781410750020
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9781410750037

About the Book

This volume was started in October, 1965, after much prayer and meditation. The idea was then conceived and started with the words, “In the beginning...” At first, this was thought to be the first three words of Genesis, Old Covenant. After further contemplation, I realized it meant the beginning of the New Covenant in Christ - the Gospel of John, followed by the three synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. This truly made much sense, and the words started to flow after reading each verse, praying, meditating and setting it to rhyme.

Being moved by the Holy Spirit of my baptism, I set my course to give love and comfort to people living in doubt, infirm, shut-ins, and the blind. This was done by narrating the entire work onto seven, ninety minute cassette tapes, and playing them to these people. Finally after thirty-five years of intermittent writing “The Rhyme of the Gospels” was completed to the degree presented herein.

About the Author

“My Short Span’ ©

Some six and seventy years ago,
The Spirit came upon my soul and water on my head:
And now anew I yearn for You,
My Savior, sought in finding few to worship him instead.
For I was blind, a bungling brat,
To think my thoughts would “wax me fat” in Heaven and on earth. To know His knowledge, Wisdom’s Ways,
My heart was hurt to humble haze from folly’s foggy worth.

My prayers are prayed to testify:
My soul sings simply: live no lie - my serving seeks His Grace.
To give in Godly Grace through Him,
Receive, believe, repenting sin in secret and in truth. The will of our Father, I now will to do,
No strength until now to follow through the Spirit’s Way to Love. He gave to me Light in a darkness each day;
This Light saved my soul from the instant I prayed for Holiness in Love. Now reborn anew on each day with His Ray,
My soul cries for God in repentance pays the price for Jesus’ Love.
I now cry for joy and give thanks to Him,
For freedom I have in my soul to win Salvation from Above. What I do in future will only be cast,
When it comes to the present, then lies in the past.
Yes, “A man in not known by the works that he does,
But the fruit - the result is he known as he was.”

I asked not to exist, to be born in the flesh,
But thankful that I was.
I asked not for parents, who kept life afresh,
But thanks to God FOR what He does.

He gave me a brother - a hero in war,
A man to look up to in life.
Unworthy am I to but thank God he’s here;
His wounds show his giving in strife.
I’m blest having uncles and aunts who do care, Who pray for my family in Christ.
I’m blest with their seed - my cousins creed Is unending, befriending sufficed.

A wonderful wife I am blest with,
My love now for o’er fifty years.
Nine children she bore and taught more of life’s core Than any I know of her peers.

No medals I’ve won for achievements done, No action to fight for my life,
Though services three in two wars were not free, The time of my youth wasted rife.

To those who have cared and whose love has been shared By my family all through the years,
This legacy gladly I leave to be aired:
My poems inspired through my tears.

I’ve no claim to fame, save the Lord’s will acclaim; He chose me His Word to adorn,
Enhancing His Gospels to proclaim His Name, “The Rhyme of the Gospels” was born.
To sum it all up, I have learned of truth
That’s profound and is bound in my soul:
I’d MUCH rather be but a child of our God Than a man of the world and ITS goals.

My warmest respect for you all in all ways, always in Christ,

Warren Sherwood Bennett
Rhythm ‘n’ Rhyme