Chapter I
The treatise I formerly made which you sought,
O Theo`phi-lus, Chris`tian and friend,
Were all the things Je`sus did do as He taught,
‘Til the day He was raised at the end.
And soon after that, through His own Holy Spirit,
He gave the apostles He chose,
Commandments, - then showed Himself, told who would hear it,
Infallible proofs that He rose.
He did this soon after His passion was through,
And was seen with them forty full days.
He spoke of the Kingdom of God that He knew,
And well-worthy He was of their praise.
And being assembled with them as their fate,
He commanded that they not depart,
But stay in Je-ru`sa-lem, patiently wait
For the promise of God to impart.
"Which," He said, "You have heard from Me, and true;
John had baptized with water for you;
But lo! Before many days hence pass from view,
You’ll be given the Holy Ghost, too."
So when they had gathered together, they asked,
"Will You then, Lord, at this time restore,
The kingdom of Is`ra-el, giving this task?"
He then answered, enlightening yore:
"It isn’t for you to know times or the season,
Which God in His own Power will win you,
But you will receive of this power and reason,
When His Holy Spirit comes in you."
"And you, in Je-ru`sa-lem, My witness be,
And also Ju-de`a around;
And into Sa-mar`i-a, witnessing Me
To the ends of the earth you’ll expound."
When finished His speaking these things they beheld,
He was taken up into a cloud,
And vanished from out of their sight and expelled.
And while they gazed steadfastly proud,
Behold there appeared standing by them two men,
Who were dressed in white robes, and they said,
"You Gal`le-an men, why are you looking up,
When to Heaven, He goes on ahead.
This Jesus, Whom you beheld rising from view
Into Heaven, will come the same way.
As you have observed, and return unto you,
In a cloud down from Heaven some day."
They then to Je-ru`sa`lem ventured, returned
From the Mountain called Ol`iv-et near,
But only a Sabbath day’s journey sojourned;
When they entered, the mission was clear.
They went up to where they were staying while there,
In a large upper room, housing all:
Bar-tho`lo-mew, Mat`thew, devoted on prayer,
With Pe`ter and Tho`mas (recall);
And Phi`lip and John with Al-phae`us’ son James;
The Zea`lot named Si`mon there too,
With Ju`das, the son of the elder called James,
To plan for the future, ensue.
All these were with one accord, praying as one,
Sincerely devoted in rathe,
With Ma`ry, the mother of Je`sus, God’s Son,
His brethren and women of faith.
In those days, disciples of Lord Je`sus came
To discuss the events that exist.
One hundred and twenty were numbered by name. -
Simon Pe`ter stood up in their midst.
"Brethren," he said, "all the scripture’s fulfilled
Which the Spirit of God spoke before,
(Through Da`vid), of Ju`das, who guided and willed
They arrest Je`sus, causing a roar.
For he was among us, and numbered as one
Who was given his share to ensue:
Allotted as he who had also begun
A full part in this ministry too.
"Now this man had purchased a field with the coins
He obtained as reward from this sin.
And falling headlong he burst out at his loins,
With his bowels gushed out from within.
It came to be known to inhabitants there
In Je-ru`sa-lem, the Field of Blood.
‘Twas called in their language, the proper tongue, (rare),
A-cel`dam-a, (said with a thud).
"For so it is written in our Book of Psalms,
‘Let his habitation, forsaken;
And let there be no one to live in its calm’;
And, ‘His office another has taken.’