The adventures of an innocent in the advertising wars.

by Wallace J. Gordon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/17/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9781418460174
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9781418429065

About the Book

One man’s memoir about a decade in Chicago.  One story that’s a hundred stories, about:

-- The Great American Novel that never got written--

-- A young writer’s introduction to big-agency advertising--

-- Ads and commercials and clients and bosses--

-- Hits and misses and triumphs and catastrophies--

-- A lovely young lady who became a supportive wife and mother--

-- Three young sons who kept both parents hopping--

-- Garrets and apartments and dream houses in the suburbs--

-- And an interesting look at America in the ’50’s from a front-row seat in the advertising that helped propel it.  How it worked and didn’t work, scored and struck out, rewarded and punished, and just about everything else.

About the Author

Wallace J. (Wally) Gordon has been writing for a living for something like forever – fifty-six years and counting – and after piling up mountains of rejection slips for short stories and a novel, he made a successful and satisfying detour into the advertising business, writing ads and commercials for clients ranging from Coca-Cola and Dodge to the neighborhood bank.

However, after almost forty years of the advertising wars, he decided enough was enough, and is now writing books for himself, his wife and kids, and anyone interested.  MICHIGAN AVENUE, 1951 takes you along during his early years in the big-agency advertising world of Chicago’s Michigan Avenue, and is one of five memoirs he has written.  So far.
