One Day in Paris…

The memoir of a love story that couldn’t happen. But did.

by Wallace J. Gordon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781420833812
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781420833805

About the Book

Conventional wisdom said it could never happen. For starters, he was from >Arizona and she was from Pennsylvania.Almost a whole continent apart. And he was a widower and she was a widow. With 42 and 47 years, respectively, of happy marriage behind them. And if that wasn’t enough, he was a young 75 and she was a lovely 69; old enough to know better, one might say.Then one day they boarded a plane for . They noticed each other, but didn’t meet. When the plane landed they ended up in the same hotel. Arranged by the same tour group. But both so engrossed in Paris they still didn’t see each other. Then it happened. On the third day their group gathered for an introductory meeting and dinner. They ended up sitting across from each other. ">He said, “Hi.” She said, “Hello.” And the sparks began to fly. That’s when the love story that couldn’t happen began to happen...

About the Author

Wallace J. (Wally) Gordon has been writing for a living for something like forever--fifty-eight years and counting--and after piling up mountains of rejection slips for short stories and a novel, he made a successful and satisfying detour into the advertising business, writing ads and commercials for clients ranging from Coca-Cola and Dodge to the neighborhood bank.

However, after almost forty years of the advertising wars, he decided enough was enough, and is now writing books for himself, his wife and kids, and anyone else interested. ONE DAY IN PARIS... is one of six memoirs he has written. So far.
