The Grant Years, 1958 -

Writing My Way Through Chicago, Detroit and New York

by Wallace J. Gordon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/29/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 460
ISBN : 9781425902094
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467070515

About the Book

November, 1958. A sunny day and I was feeling pretty good about things. I’d been writing ads and commercials in Chicago for over eight years, and found it both rewarding and satisfying. Heck, I’d only been fired once.

Even that wasn’t all that horrible; my boss offered to cancel the firing, but I told him to forget it. Who wants to work for a guy who’s just fired you?

So that day I was on my way to my new job at Grant Advertising. Good job, good agency. Things looked terrific. But how was I to know that in a year I’d be transferred to the Detroit office to work on the big Dodge account?

And how was I to know we’d lose the account within days and transfer me to the New York office?

And how was I to know that New York would be fun for a while and then a pain in the neck?

And how was I to know—?

Well, you get the idea. And I hope you enjoy coming along.

About the Author

Wallace J. (Wally) Gordon has been writing for a living for something like forever—fifty-nine years and counting—and after piling up mountains of rejection slips for short stories and a novel, he made a successful and satisfying detour into the advertising business, writing ads and commercials for clients ranging from Coca-Cola and Dodge to the neighborhood bank.

However, after almost forty years of the advertising wars, he decided enough was enough, and is now writing books for himself, his wife and kids, and anyone else interested- THE GRANT YEARS, 1958-, is one of seven memoirs he has written. So far.

