Plimoth Revisited

by Bonnie Darlene



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/16/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781420800586

About the Book

Now twenty and in college, Justin remains haunted by memories of another time and place, and of Beth, a girl who lived in 1622.

Following Gram’s funeral, an explosive, hurtful encounter with Leslie occurs.  Knowing he will have no peace until he returns, Justin leaves a note early one morning and drives to Plimoth Plantation. Later, after walking the streets of the present day town of Plymouth, boarding the Mayflower II, and hiking up Burial Hill, Justin ponders, Was it a mistake to return here? Will I ever be free to move on with my life? Have I lost Leslie over my obsession with a ghost?”

Standing at the Howland family memorial, Justin lovingly fingers each engraved letter etched in stone:  E  l  i  z  a  b  e  t h.   With tears and a penetrating sadness, he at last experiences release and wants nothing more than to return home to Vermont, his family and Leslie.

His departure is prevented as a sudden storm hits the town. Justin runs for shelter and a room at the Carver Inn. As the storm rages out side, Justin is soon lost in a book he purchased at Plimoth Plantation of the war in 1675 between the colonists and the Native Americans.

The power goes out and Justin heads outside. Ignoring the desk clerk’s warning, he yells back, “Don’t worry, I’m not going far. I just want to get a first hand look at what’s happening out there.  I won’t be long.”  Justin makes his way back up the now muddy path to Burial Hill. Over the howling wind, he imagines hearing his name called out.  Looking up, Justin perceives a vision: a lone figure at the top of the hill. A dense fog begins to roll in.

See the Foreword  and  Reader’s Comments and Reviews on the first book, Plimoth: A Life Changing Odyssey

* Parents, please also read the Parental Discretion advised for young readers following the Foreword for this second book, Plimoth Revisited.

About the Author

Bonnie Darlene has worked in various capacities with children in public and private schools settings in California, Connecticut, and Vermont.  She has a B.S. in Education and has completed graduate course work in Special Education. She has taught kindergarten, pre-school, Community Daily Living Skills for special needs adolescents, and taught folk songs to students. She has worked one on one with special needs students, has worked as case aide several summers, and is a home care provider. 

The mother of three grown children, she was born and grew up in Southern California.  Bonnie Darlene has lived the past twenty-five years in Vermont, nine years in Connecticut and a year in Puerto Rico. She loves literature, writing, art, music, the theater, history, and is an avid dog lover.

Plimoth Revisited is her second book and the sequel to Plimoth: A Life Changing Odyssey. Writing has now begun on a third book of the Plimoth series.

Bonnie Darlene is the illustrator of both her book covers and the covers of Davy and For Love of Davy, authored by her sister, Bernadine Joyce.