Collection of Hope

by Justinah McFadden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/3/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781420858952

About the Book

Collection of Hope is a creative defeat from the opening to the conclusion. Justinah McFadden has again painted struggle as a stepping stone to faith, belief, and hope. In this collection of poetry readers will find a hidden truth in every word, bliss within every sentence, and life within each poem. Collection of Hope is an artistic feast ready to be devoured. Since the time of Langston Hughes, I have not witnessed such passion in the work of a young poet.

About the Author

This is Justinah McFadden''s second book of poetry. Collection of Hope is astonishing in its precision and courage. Justinah is a distinguished member of the International Society of Poets. She has been nominated poet of the four times by the International Society of Poets. She has received numerous editors'' choice awards from the International Library of Poetry. This collection of poetry is a congregation of freedom that comes alive when the spirit gathers hope. Her work is a sample of the amazing empowerment and champion in us all. Through her poetry she exhibits, truth, pain, and triumph leading us all in a journey of forgiveness and understanding. The classic poetic epic, Collection of Hope proves that strength, hope and faith can guide us to a place of completion within our selves. Her first poetry book takes us on a spiritual journey this book will take you on a spiritual roller coaster having us examine our world. Justinah McFadden still resides in New York City and is currently working on her first novel. This is the beginning of her expedition as a writer.