"My She To Love"

Spirit of Sappho

by Sapp-hirepoetry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781438966250

About the Book

I am not a believer in writing to convince anyone to read my book.  I am only hoping this book will be picked up in your own time of need.

Hopefully, you will be able to close my book, smell the fresh air, and open it to smell it again and again…..and again…

“My She to love represents me as a whole.”  It’s part of my every day job, my friends, lovers, family, God kids, strangers, God’s beautiful creation, my life experiences, my struggles, my identity, and most of all, my growth.   If you like these poems, wait until you read, “My He To Love.”


By, Sapp-hirepoetry


About the Author

I have been writing poetry since, I was eight years old.  I always knew I wanted to be a poet.  I love the simple life. I was born to a single mother, but was raised by my grandmother and grandfather until they both passed away.

I was born in Selma Alabama raised in Boston, Massachusetts.  The country still lives inside of me up until today.   When I was in my younger years, I spent most of my time reading books like the Greek Goddess Sappho, Edgar Allan Poe, and Maya Angelou.  These were some of the folks that fascinated me…

Over the years, I carried my poems with me, and then eventually, I gathered them together to write a book.  My poems are kept simple, but sometimes puzzling to the fact that only a poet will get it!  What do I really want you to know about me?  You can take everything away from me, leave me with a book, my lover and my best friend, my three pets,  paper, pen, a cabin surrounded by water and lots of dogwood trees. 

I want to always remain behind the scene, but watching the world as if it is in a bottle in my hands.

Believe me when I tell you.  I am one of the happiest people on earth.

I’ll see you near the ocean, lake, river or pond…..


By, Sapp-hirepoetry