A Dog Named Butterfly Sappho, Stop the Bullying


by Sapp-hirepoetry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/27/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781524605742
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781524605735

About the Book

Who would have ever thought that a dog named Butterfly Sappho would become a household name. Every child is talking about this dog. She lives in all of us. There are some adults that have Butterfly Sappho inside of their heads. Butterfly Sappho comfort you at night, comfort you in school, comfort you at playtime, most importantly Butterfly Sappho always shows up if you call her name. Don’t forget, let Butterfly Sappho be your protector in hard times. She will always find a way, to make you sit up and smile. Just say her name, Butterfly Sappho.

About the Author

This book is the best book I have ever written. It’s written to make children feel good about themselves. No one likes to be picked on or made to feel ugly or feel like they don’t belong. I was bullied when I was growing up. It’s something you will never forget no matter how you have moved forward gratefully. You never forget, but you can’t let this hold you back from succeeding in life. I hope that every person who reads my book will know that God made us all different, beautiful, defined and with a beautiful skin color. I do know this: you will never know how one is affected unless it happens to you. Yes, bullying happened to me. So I truly know how you feel. My book is meant to uplift, be passed on and to be talked about. This is the first children book, I have ever written. Expect more to come! Start your collection today. Currently, I live in a small town with a church and school across from my doorway. There is no better site, than seeing little children running and playing enjoying childhood moments. I can see Butterfly Sappho flying around tagging everyone, to join her as she becomes a household name. One day everyone will stand up to say, “Stop the bullying, said Butterfly Sappho.”