Good Heavens, Miss Evans!

by Earle W. Jacobs



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/24/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452086613

About the Book

Just imagine taking off on a much needed vacation that is to start along the beautiful Eastern Sierras. Plans are to fish, play golf and renew acquaintance with a favorite part of the country. Can you imagine unexpectedly becoming involved with a beautiful blond woman who is visiting from Europe with two strange men, also Europeans who, it develops, have a mysterious and dubious background. Then becoming involved in a life or death situation that tests your mountaineering knowhow; and that is just for starters. You will have a tough time putting this one down once you have started reading.

About the Author

Earle was a Signal Corps Lieutenant in WWII. He served in Europe For two years from the Battle of Britain to the final surrender of Japan. His first battle star was for Normandy. (Not D Day--one week later.) He and his wife Alla, a native of Ukraine, live in Southern California with their one-eared cat, Barabashka, a native of Saint Petersburg, Russia. He has been writing since 1989 and has a number of other books published.