Ten Days, Two Weeks---Max!

by Earle W. Jacobs



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/23/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781491855072
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781491855065

About the Book

What started out to be just a short epilogue to wind up “Just a Simple Job” and its predecessor, actually turned out to be a 10,000 or so word short adventure story that takes place in California, Washington, DC, England, France, Switzerland and of course, Lichtenstein, with a half dozen Arab terrorists and lots of other stuff. It is Amazing; sometimes you never know when you start to write what is actually going to pop into your head. (Could it be there is just too much empty space up there?) Now, in order for you to find out what all the excitement is about, you can read all about it right here. Come on. It’s only about ten thousand words, or so. You could almost read that much as you finish your morning coffee. Be careful however, if you aren’t a fast reader you might be late for work! Good Heavens! Not again? If that should happen however, assuming the old geezer can read of course, go ahead; let the boss borrow your copy so he can understand why you were understandably delayed. (We can always use the advertising anyway you know!!) Yer Awther

About the Author

Earle, a native of Chicago and WW II vet has now put out a number of stories most of which are in the on-line catalogues of his various publishers and of Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.