A One Horse Town

by Earle W. Jacobs



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/18/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9781468543506
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9781468543513
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9781468543490

About the Book

Transcribing from his voluminous notes our main character tells of the many adventures that beset him, beginning with his being orphaned as a teenager, his felonious Uncle Bascomb’s treachery, Prohibitions Days in Chicago and the local “Mob”, his special college Pal, Burt and his and their adventures together. The lovely Amanda Richards he meets at the University of Illinois is sure to intrigue you.

Things really start to get interesting when the boys’ Durant breaks down just outside of Pineville City, Nebraska and they meet Doc Hasberg, Big Ben Collins and other interesting people in that city. Wait ‘til you meet Lord Henry James Augustus Wilton-Smith and his family, Lady Agatha and daughter Pamela. Once you start this book, you might have trouble putting it down, you just know, that in just a few more pages, some other adventure will capture your attention. Enjoy!

About the Author

Earle Jacobs is a native of Chicago. He and his family moved to California when he was thirteen years old. He is a graduate of Burlingame High School and attended both San Mateo and Pasadena, Junior colleges. He has lived in California since 1934. He now resides in Southern California with his wife Alla, a native of Kiev, Ukraine and their one-eared cat, Barabashka, a native of the city of St. Petersburg, Russia.

He was a Lieutenant in the army during WWII. He served in England until the Normandy invasion and thereafter in France, Belgium, Germany and Austria. He has four battle stars for his ETO Campaign Ribbon.

He began writing for his own amusement in 1989. He now has a number of books published. They can all be accessed through Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com and this one of course also directly from the publishers of this book.