
by Earle W. Jacobs



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/11/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781491857434
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781491857441
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781491857458

About the Book

“The freeway system of Southern California is one of the largest and most complex in the world and becoming more so every year. It is clogged with traffic; in some areas almost twenty-four hours a day. And for many, new to the area, it can be a scary, unnerving experience, trying to navigate through its seemingly endless and labyrinthine maze of many differently numbered freeways with their connecting ramps and roadways. it is no cinch; even for natives, many of whom at times prefer to use regular surface streets. Can you imagine what might happen to an inexperienced driver trying to find their way in this maze in bad weather? This is a story of one such hapless individual, caught in such a dilemma and all the resulting adventures. Absolutely incredible! Breath-taking! Yes indeed, truly-----Amazing!”

About the Author

“Earle Jacobs is a native of Chicago. He moved with his family to California In October 1943. He graduated from Burlingame High School and attended both San Mateo and Pasadena Community Colleges. He was a Lieutenant in the Signal Corps in WW II He was in the army for four and one half years.. His unit was subsequently attached to the Ninth Air Force in Europe and he served there two years. He was stationed in England until the Normandy invasion. He has four battle stars for his ETO Campaign Ribbon beginning with Normandy. He thereafter served in France, Belgium, Germany and Austria. He retired from California Civil Service after thirty-two years and then spent twelve years operating his own real-estate appraisal business. He retired for good at age 70+ He began writing for his own amusement in 1989. At the urging of his wife and some others, he finally began having some of his stories published and now has about eighteen or so novels and short stories in publication. He currently lives in Southern California with his third wife Alla, his mother-in-law Ganna Alexsashyna, and Alyssa, their calico cat, all three ladies, natives of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Amazing!